WMX Championship

Competition Bulletin 2017-2: WMX Provisional License Now Available

Wednesday, April 19, 2017 | 10:00 AM

 TO: 2017 Onsia Sound Art WMX Participants

FROM: MX Sports

DATE: April 19, 2017


WMX Provisional License Now Available

The Onsia Sound Art WMX Championship is now offering a provisional single-event license for qualifying participants. Racers can now apply for a provisional license for a one-time event use for $50.

A WMX license can be for the season or for a single-event. A WMX season license is valid for gate admission to all WMX events. Upon approval, a WMX season license hard card will be issued and mailed to the rider. A WMX provisional license is not good for gate admission. Upon approval, a WMX provisional license holder will be eligible for competition, but no hard card license will be issued.

A WMX license is required for participation in any WMX Championship event, along with a valid AMA membership.

A competitor will be allowed to apply for a provisional single-event license for a maximum of two events in a season. Fees for a provisional single-event license will not be applied towards a WMX License if competitor choses to purchase that at a later date.

For more information or to apply for a 2017 WMX license, click HERE.

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